Monday 23 November 2009

I'm as guilty as the next person. I read a great deal and every now and again, if I like a book particularly well, I go find their site or blog or whatever and have a read. How disappointed am I? In most cases they are well laid out sites that promote the writers works and do nothing else. I am determined not to do that here. I am going to tell you stuff, real stuff about the real me. Not just talk about my own work.

Having said that, take a look at smashwords and look up the books (there are two but there will be more soon enough). Go ahead and read the free 40% and then, if you like and want to finish, buy the book for $2 and read it all. Hope you enjoy.

With your two dollars you are paying the production costs only to a small degree – maintaining a site isn't free – but mostly (70%) you are paying for the content. This is the future. You are seeing it here, right now, as I do work to promote my own work that I chose to publish as it is, which is my responsibility.

The writers are going to take back control of their work over the next few years. I would bet cash on it. Soon there will be no publishers, or only very few printing limited editions and special editions. It's the only way they will be able to survive. Change is happening now.

Personally, I'm thrilled.

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