Friday, 20 November 2009

The Last King's Amulet raises the subject of slavery. Now, if your neighbouring people kidnap you, track you through the forest to a trading post and sell you to people who ship you across the ocean and put you to manual labour because they believe you are good for nothing else and your children and their children etc. well, I don't think any sane, rational person can justify that (though some did try). Oh, just off subject the history written by the victors is slightly scewed; the civil war was fought over state rights, the idea that individual states could make their own laws regardless and the federal government who wanted the states to adopt their laws. It was a power struggle, pure and simple, and slavery was the emotive topic chosen. Another law, no war.

OK, I'm drifting. Slavery. If you volunteer to sell yourself and keep the money and get paid (in the case of a doctor saving a life) lots of money, and if you are freed or can buy your freedom with earnings, and if you are then given the Roman citizenship (for you and your children) with all rights and privileges that entails (which was lots)... well, that's a different thing entirely.

Hope that clears up Somto's views on slavery – they will change as he gains in experience and maturity.

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