Thursday, 26 November 2009

Did I mention that The Last King's Amulet and Prison of Power will soon be available on Amazon? Gosh, I'm pleased about that. OK, you can already buy through smashwords for $2 and yes, I will get a bigger percentage of that money, but Amazon... well, that's as much of a sales outlet as I need, isn't it? Now all I need to do is invent a new way of marketing books....

What? I hear you cry (maybe). What do you mean?

Well, books don't get advertised, at least no much and not usually. The publisher has a sales team, yes, but their job is to go to bookstores (chains and independants) and push books – the store owner takes a number of copies and puts them on the shelf for two weeks. Those that don't sell get sent back (just the front cover actually) along with a check for those that do sell. If they all sell, then the bookstore will order more. And that's it. Usually. If a book sells well, then there is some advertising.

Usually the publisher makes guess at the number of copies they will shift and print that many. Usually this isn't enough to make a profit, but they figure they have to experiment. As much as they figure anything. With no advertising this is pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Anyway. What I am doing (and anyone else who embraces change) is different. In effect I have “printed” as many copies as anyone will ever need – there are no end of copies available. What I need to do, then, is make people aware of the fact. Like fantasy? Like a good read? Prefer to spend $2 on a book instead of $10 or more? Go look, read upto 40% for free, see what you think. Buy if you like. These are the things I need to say, to as many people as possible.

Now, without spending any money (yet – like publishers I'll budget advertising based on what I earn from the books, which isn't much yet) how do I do this?

Good question, isn't it?

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